Our Team

Our Team

Caleb Emiehwe

CEO and founder

“With a BSC in Physics and an MSc in Engineering, I have worked for more than 12 years managing complex and highly capital intensive projects in Energy, Transport and Aviation sectors in the United Kingdom, Germany and The Netherlands. Since 2016, when I founded 247Tech UG, I have been the CEO of this amazing start-up focused on proffering Tech solutions for Africa. ”

Caleb Emiehwe CEO and founder

Charles Iheme Esq

Head of Operations - Southern Nigeria

“ Is legal practitioner with over a decade experience in various aspects of Law including but not limited to Commercial, Civil, Criminal Law, Maritime, Construction and ADR. He has advised organisations in the field of Oil & Gas, Mergers & Acquisitions, Information Technology, Real Property, Intellectual Property etc. He is a member of the Nigerian Bar Association, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (U.K) and other professional organisations.”

Charles Iheme Esq Head of Operations - Southern Nigeria